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Team Introduction


信息来源:暂无 发布日期: 2021-03-10 浏览次数:


王应明,1964 年生,江苏省海安市人。1984年毕业于江苏大学电气系,获工业电气自动化专业学士学位;1987年于华中科技大学自控系,获系统工程专业硕士学位;1991年于东南大学经济管理学院,获自动控制理论及应用专业博士学位。1991-1993年在清华大学环境工程系担任博士后研究员;1993-2001年在厦门大学自动化系和管理科学系任教,先后担任副教授、教授和博士生导师;2002-2008年在英国曼彻斯特大学商学院和香港城市大学系统工程与工程管理学系担任高级研究员;2009年起任教于福州大学公共管理学院,任福建省“闽江学者”特聘教授,同年获国家杰出青年科学基金资助;2012年入选教育部“长江学者”特聘教授,并获福建省优秀留学回国人员称号;2013年入选国家“百千万人才工程”和福建省高校领军人才,被人力资源与社会保障部授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号;2014年入选“福建省百千万工程领军人才”;2015年享受国务院政府特殊津贴;2016年获第六届中国侨界贡献(创新人才)奖,并入选“科学中国人(2015)年度人物”和我校经济与管理学院“出彩经管人”;2017年入选中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才;2018年入选第三批国家“万人计划”哲学社会科学领军人才;2020年获福建卢嘉锡科学教育基金会卢嘉锡优秀导师奖;连续入选“2014、2015、2016、2017、2018、2019年中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单”。现任福州大学《管理科学与工程》学科教育部长江学者特聘教授、博士生导师,国家社会科学基金学科规划评审组专家,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会评价方法与应用分会副理事长,管理科学与工程学会常务理事,福州大学学术委员会委员,福州大学专业技术职务聘任委员会委员,福州大学学术委员会人文社会科学学部主任,福建省高校“决策科学与科技创新管理”团队带头人,福建省高校决策科学与科教管理研究基地学术委员会主任,福建省信用评估与管理咨询研究中心主任,福州大学决策科学研究所所长,福州大学经济与管理学院学术委员会主任,福州大学经济与管理学院管理科学与工程研究院院长。




  1. 国家自然科学基金《现代企业诊断的DEA理论与方法研究》,负责人,1997年—1999年。

  2. 福建省自然科学基金《层次分析方法的耦合建模与组合决策研究》,负责人,1997年—1999年。

  3. 霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金《相对有效预测与组合预测技术研究》,负责人,2000年—2003年。

  4. 福建省自然科学基金《基于粗糙集理论的规则获取与数据挖掘技术研究》,负责人,2000年—2002年。

  5. 国家自然科学基金《基于粗糙集理论的智能判别分析方法及预警决策技术研究》,负责人,2002年—2004年。

  6. 国家教育部人文社会科学“十五”规划项目《效率分布和生产率增长的区域差异及成因和对策研究》,负责人,2002年—2004年。

  7. 国家自然科学基金《经营竞争力评价分析(OCRA)的理论与方法研究》,负责人,2003年—2003年。

  8. 福建省自然科学基金《基于置信规则库的学习和目标设置方法及其应用研究》,负责人,2007年—2009年。

  9. 国家自然科学基金《双前沿面数据包络分析的理论、方法与应用研究》,负责人,2008年—2010年。

  10. 国家杰出青年科学基金《决策理论与方法》,负责人,2010年—2013年。

  11. 国家自然科学基金《企业管理质量:属性、测量、优化与演化研究》,排名第二,2012年—2015年。

  12. 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)《不确定性数据包络分析交叉效率的研究》,负责人,2013年—2015年。

  13. 国家自然科学基金《基于绩效评价的决策单元的合并理论与方法研究》,负责人,2014年-2017年。

  14. 国家自然科学基金《大数据环境下置信规则库推理模型的优化与应用研究》,负责人,2018年-2021年。


  1. Jun Liu, Jian-Bo Yang, Jin Wang, How-Sing SII, Ying-Ming Wang, Fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning approach for safety analysis, International Journal of General Systems 33 (2-3) (2004) 183-204.

  2. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang and Dong-Ling Xu, Interval weight generation approaches based on consistency test and interval comparison matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation 167 (1) (2005) 252-273.

  3. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, A minimax disparity approach for obtaining OWA operator weights, Information Sciences 175 (1-2) (2005) 20-29.

  4. Ying-Ming Wang, Richard Greatbanks, Jian-Bo Yang, Interval efficiency assessment using data envelopment analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153 (3) (2005) 347-370.

  5. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, Multiple attribute decision making based on fuzzy preference information on alternatives: Ranking and weighting, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153 (3) (2005) 331-346.

  6. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang and Dong-Ling Xu, A two-stage logarithmic goal programming method for generating weights from interval comparison matrices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 152 (3) (2005) 475-498.

  7. Ying-Ming Wang, On fuzzy multiattribute decision-making models and methods with incomplete preference information, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 151 (2) (2005) 285-301.

  8. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang and Dong-Ling Xu, A preference aggregation method through the estimation of utility intervals, Computers & Operations Research 32 (8) (2005) 2027-2049.

  9. Jian-Bo Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Dong-Ling Xu and Kwai-Sang Chin, The evidential reasoning approach for MADA under both probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties, European Journal of Operational Research 171 (1) (2006) 309-343.

  10. Ying-Ming Wang, On lexicographic goal programming method for generating weights from inconsistent interval comparison matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation 173 (2) (2006) 985-991.

  11. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, DEA efficiency assessments using ideal and anti-ideal decision making units, Applied Mathematics and Computation 173 (2) (2006) 902-915.

  12. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, An eigenvector method for generating normalized interval and fuzzy weights, Applied Mathematics and Computation 181 (2) (2006) 1257-1275.

  13. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, A general multiple attribute decision-making approach for integrating subjective preferences and objective information, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (10) (2006) 1333-1345.

  14. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu, Kwai-Sang Chin, On the centroids of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (7) (2006) 916-926.

  15. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, On the normalization of interval and fuzzy weights, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (18) (2006) 2456-2471.

  16. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, Zhongsheng Hua, A modified fuzzy logarithmic least squares method for fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (23) (2006) 3055-3071.

  17. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, Fuzzy TOPSIS method based on alpha level sets with an application to bridge risk assessment, Expert Systems with Applications 31 (2) (2006) 309-319.

  18. Dong-Ling Xu, Jian-Bo Yang and Ying-Ming Wang, The ER approach for multi-attribute decision analysis under interval uncertainties, European Journal of Operational Research 174 (3) (2006) 2560-2859.

  19. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang and Dong-Ling Xu, Environmental impact assessment using the evidential reasoning approach, European Journal of Operational Research 174 (3) (2006) 1885-1913.

  20. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu and Kwai-Sang Chin, The evidential reasoning approach for multiple attribute decision analysis using interval belief degrees, European Journal of Operational Research 175 (1) (2006) 35-66.

  21. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, Two new approaches for assessing the weights of fuzzy opinions in group decision analysis, Information Sciences 176 (23) (2006) 3538-3555.

  22. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, An approach to avoiding rank reversal in AHP, Decision Support Systems 42 (3) (2006) 1474-1480.

  23. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Measuring the performances of decision making units using interval efficiencies, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 198 (1) (2007) 253-267.

  24. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, A goal programming method for deriving interval weights from interval comparison matrices, European Journal of Operational Research 177 (1) (2007) 458-471.

  25. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu, Kwai-Sang Chin, On the combination and normalization of interval-valued belief structures, Information Sciences 177 (5) (2007) 1230-1247.

  26. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, A comparison of neural network, evidential reasoning and multiple regression analysis in modelling bridge risks, Expert Systems with Applications 32 (2) (2007) 336-348.

  27. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, A preemptive goal programming method for aggregating OWA operator weights in group decision making, Information Sciences 177 (8) (2007) 1867-1877.

  28. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Xinwang Liu, Two new models for determining OWA operator weights, Computers & Industrial Engineering 52 (2) (2007) 203-209.

  29. Ying-Ming Wang, Zhi-Ping Fan, Fuzzy preference relations: Aggregation and weight determination, Computers & Industrial Engineering 53 (1) (2007) 163-172.

  30. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, A fuzzy group decision making approach for bridge risk assessment, Computers & Industrial Engineering 53 (1) (2007) 137-148.

  31. Ying-Ming Wang, Zhi-Ping Fan, Zhongsheng Hua, A chi-square method for obtaining a priority vector from multiplicative and fuzzy preference relations, European Journal of Operational Research 182 (1) (2007) 356-366.

  32. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Zhongsheng Hua, Aggregating preference rankings using OWA operator weights, Information Sciences 177 (16) (2007) 3356-3363.

  33. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Discriminating DEA efficient candidates by considering their least relative total scores, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 206 (1) (2007) 209-215.

  34. YM Wang, KS Chin, JB Yang, Measuring the performances of decision making units using geometric average efficiency, Journal of the Operational Research Society 58 (7) (2007) 929-937.

  35. YM Wang, KS Chin, JB Yang, Three new models for preference voting and aggregation, Journal of the Operational Research Society 58 (10) (2007) 1389-1393.

  36. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, Ying Luo, Priority estimation in the AHP through maximization of correlation coefficient, Applied Mathematical Modelling 31 (12) (2007) 2711-2718.

  37. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Zhongsheng Hua, A note on group decision-making based on concepts of ideal and anti-ideal points in a fuzzy environment, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 46 (9-10) (2007) 1256-1264.

  38. Taha M.S. Elhag, Ying-Ming Wang, Risk assessment for bridge maintenance projects: neural networks versus regression techniques, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 21 (6) (2007) 402-409.

  39. Ying-Ming Wang, Zhi-Ping Fan, Group decision analysis based on fuzzy preference relations: logarithmic and geometric least squares methods, Applied Mathematics and Computation 194 (1) (2007) 108-119.

  40. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, Evidential reasoning approach for bridge condition assessment, Expert Systems with Applications 34 (1) (2008) 689-699.

  41. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Zhongsheng Hua, On the extent analysis method for fuzzy AHP and its applications, European Journal of Operational Research 186 (2) (2008) 735-747.

  42. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, Optimal aggregation of fuzzy preference relations with an application to broadband service selection, European Journal of Operational Research 187 (3) (2008) 1476-1486.

  43. Ying-Ming Wang, Taha M.S. Elhag, An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for bridge risk assessment, Expert Systems with Applications 34 (4) (2008) 3099-3106.

  44. Ying-Ming Wang, Jun Liu, Taha M.S. Elhag, An integrated AHP-DEA methodology for bridge risk assessment, Computers & Industrial Engineering 54 (3) (2008) 513-525.

  45. Ying-Ming Wang, Celik Parkan, Ying Luo, A linear programming method for generating the most favorable weights from a pairwise comparison matrix, Computers & Operations Research 35 (12) (2008) 3918-3930.

  46. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A linear goal programming priority method for fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and its applications in new product screening, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 49 (2) (2008) 451-465.

  47. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Gary K.K. Poon, A data envelopment analysis method with assurance region for weight generation in the analytic hierarchy process, Decision Support Systems 45 (4) (2008) 258-266.

  48. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Liang Liang, Ranking decision making units by imposing a minimum weight restriction in the data envelopment analysis, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 223 (1) (2009) 469-484.

  49. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A new data envelopment analysis method for priority determination and group decision making in the analytic hierarchy process, European Journal of Operational Research 195 (1) (2009) 239-250.

  50. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Ying Luo, Aggregation of direct and indirect judgments in a pairwise comparison matrix with a re-examination of the criticisms by Banae Costa and Vansnick, Information Sciences 179 (3) (2009) 329-337.

  51. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Gary K.K. Poon, and Jian-Bo Yang, Risk evaluation in failure mode and effects analysis using fuzzy weighted geometric mean, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2P1) (2009) 1195-1207.

  52. Kwai-Sang Chin, Ying-Ming Wang, Gary Ka Kwai Poon, Jian-Bo Yang, Failure mode and effects analysis using a group-based evidential reasoning approach, Computers & Operations Research 36 (6) (2009) 1768-1779.

  53. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Liang Liang, Fuzzy data envelopment analysis based upon fuzzy arithmetic with an application to performance assessment of manufacturing enterprises, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3P1) (2009) 5205-5211.

  54. Kwai-Sang Chin, Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Gary Ka Kwai Poon, An evidential reasoning based approach for quality function deployment under uncertainty, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (3P1) (2009) 5684-5694.

  55. Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang, Dong-Ling Xu, Kwai-Sang Chin, Consumer preference prediction by using a hybrid evidential reasoning and belief rule-based methodology, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (4) (2009) 8421-8430.

  56. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, On rank reversal in decision analysis, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49 (5-6) (2009) 1221-1229.

  57. Ying-Ming Wang, Reply to the note on article “The evidential reasoning approach for multiple attribute decision analysis using interval belief degrees”, European Journal of Operational Research 197 (2) (2009) 813-817.

  58. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Jendy Pui-Fun Leung, A note on the application of the data envelopment analytic hierarchy process for supplier selection, International Journal of Production Research 47 (11) (2009) 3121-3138.

  59. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, A note on a new method based on the dispersion of weights in data envelopment analysis, Computers & Industrial Engineering 56 (4) (2009) 1703-1707.

  60. Ying-Ming Wang, Centroid defuzzification and maximizing set and minimizing set ranking based on alpha level sets, Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (1) (2009) 228-236.

  61. Ying-Ming Wang, Improved linear programming models for preference voting and aggregation: A response to Hadi-Vencheh and Mokhtarian, Journal of the Operational Research Society 60 (7) (2009) 1037-1038.

  62. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Generalized fuzzy weighted mean and its applications, International Journal of General Systems 38 (5) (2009) 533-546.

  63. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Area ranking of fuzzy numbers based on positive and negative ideal points, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 58 (9) (2009) 1769-1779.

  64. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A new approach for selection of advanced manufacturing technologies: DEA with double frontiers, International Journal of Production Research 47 (23) (2009) 6663-6679.

  65. Kwai-Sang Chin, Ying-Ming Wang, Gary K.K. Poon, and Jian-Bo Yang, Failure mode and effects analysis by data envelopment analysis, Decision Support Systems 48 (1) (2009) 246-256.

  66. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Integration of correlations with standard deviations for determining attribute weights in multiple attribute decision making, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 51 (1-2) (2010) 1-12.

  67. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A neutral DEA model for cross-efficiency evaluation and its extension, Expert Systems with Applications 37 (5) (2010) 3666-3675.

  68. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Some alternative DEA models for two-stage process, Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12) (2010) 8799-8808.

  69. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Some alternative models for DEA cross-efficiency evaluation, International Journal of Production Economics 128 (1) (2010) 332-338.

  70. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, The use of OWA operator weights for cross-efficiency aggregation, OMEGA 39 (5) (2011) 493-503.

  71. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: A logarithmic fuzzy preference programming methodology, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 52 (4) (2011) 541-553.

  72. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Yi-Xin Lan, Common weights for fully ranking decision making units by regression analysis, Expert Systems with Applications 38 (8) (2011) 9122-9128.

  73. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Ying Luo, Cross-efficiency evaluation based on ideal and anti-ideal decision making units, Expert Systems with Applications 38 (8) (2011) 10312-10319.

  74. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Fuzzy data envelopment analysis: A fuzzy expected value approach, Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9) (2011) 11678-11685.

  75. Ying-Ming Wang, Yi-Xin Lan, Measuring Malmquist productivity index: A new approach based on double frontiers data envelopment analysis, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (11-12) (2011) 2760-2771.

  76. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A linear programming approximation to the eigenvector method in the analytic hierarchy process, Information Sciences 181 (23) (2011) 5240-5248.

  77. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A linear goal programming approach to determining the relative importance weights of customer requirements in quality function deployment, Information Sciences 181 (24) (2011) 5523-5533.

  78. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Peng Jiang, Weight determination in the cross-efficiency evaluation, Computers & Industrial Engineering 61(3) (2011) 497-502.

  79. Ying-Ming Wang, Peng Jiang, Alternative mixed integer linear programming models for identifying the most efficient decision making unit in data envelopment analysis, Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2) (2012) 546-553.

  80. Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, Technical importance ratings in fuzzy QFD by integrating fuzzy normalization and fuzzy weighted average, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (11) (2011) 4207-4221.

  81. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, A note on “A new approach for weight derivation using data envelopment analysis in the analytic hierarchy process”. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 56 (3-4) (2012) 49-55.

  82. Ying-Ming Wang, Assessing the relative importance weights of customer requirements using multiple preference formats and nonlinear programming, International Journal of Production Research 16 (50) (2012) 4414-4425.

  83. Ying-Ming Wang, A fuzzy normalization based group decision-making approach for prioritizing engineering design requirements in QFD under uncertainty, International Journal of Production Research 50 (23) (2012) 6963-6977.

  84. Jian-Bo Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Dong-Ling Xu, Kwai-Sang Chin, Liam Chatton, Belief rule-based methodology for mapping consumer preferences and setting product targets, Expert Systems with Applications 39 (5) (2012) 121-131.

  85. Y-M Wang, K-S Chin, S Wang, DEA models for minimizing virtual disparity in cross-efficiency evaluation, Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (8) (2012) 1079-1088.

  86. YM Wang, S Wang, Approaches to determining the relative importance weights for cross-efficiency aggregation in data envelopment analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society 64 (1) (2013) 60-69.

  87. Ying-Ming Wang, Ying Luo, Yi-Song Xu, Cross-weight evaluation for pairwise comparison matrices, Group Decision and Negotiation 22 (3) (2013) 483-497.

  88. H. Azizi, Ying-Ming Wang, Improved DEA models for measuring interval efficiencies of decision making units, Measurement 46 (3) (2013) 1325-1332.

  89. X.W. Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, An analytical solution method for the generalized fuzzy weighted average problem, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based System 21(3) (2013) 455-480.

  90. Ying-Ming Wang, Yi-Xin Lan, Estimating most productive scale size with double frontiers data envelopment analysis, Economic Modelling 33 (2013) 182-186.

  91. Kwai-Sang Chin, Chao Fu, Yingming Wang, A method of determining attribute weights in evidential reasoning approach based on incompatibility among attributes, Computers & Industrial Engineering 87(2015)150-162.

  92. Chao Fu, Yingming Wang, An interval difference based evidential reasoning approach with unknown attribute weights and utilities of assessment grades, Computers & Industrial Engineering 81(2015)109-117.

  93. Liang Wang,Zi-Xin Zhang,Ying-Ming Wang, A prospect theory-based interval dynamic reference point method for emergency decision making,Expert Systems with Applications 42(23)(2015) 9379-9388.

  94. Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, Liang Wang,Congestion measurement under different policy objectives: an analysis of Chinese industry,Journal of Cleaner Production 112 (2016) 2943-2952.

  95. Ying-Ming Wang,Long-Hao Yang,Yang-Geng Fu,Lei-Lei Chang,Kwai-Sang Chin,Dynamic rule adjustment approach for optimizing belief rule-base expert system,Knowledge-Based Systems 96 (2016) 40-60.

  96. Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, Data envelopment analysis cross-efficiency model in fuzzy environments, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 30 (2016) 2601-2609.

  97. Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Qun Su, Yang-Geng Fu, Kwai-Sang Chin, Multi-attribute search framework for optimizing extended belief rule-based systems, Information Sciences 370–371 (2016) 159–183.

  98. Junfeng Chu, Xinwang Liu, Yingming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, A group decision making model considering both the additive consistency and group consensus of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations, Computers & Industrial Engineering 101 (2016) 227-242.

  99. Junfeng Chu, Xinwang Liu, Yingming Wang, Social network analysis based approach to group decision making problem with fuzzy preference relations, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 31 (3) (2016) 1271-1285.

  100. Hai-Liu, Shi, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Yi-Xin Lan, An approach to two-sided M&A fits based on a cross-efficiency evaluation with contrasting attitudes, Journal of the Operational Research Society 68 (1) (2017) 41–52.

  101. Lei Chen, Yingming Wang, Fujun Lai, Feng Feng, An investment analysis for China’s sustainable development based on inverse data envelopment analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (2017) 1638-1649.

  102. Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, Fujun Lai, Semi-disposability of undesirable outputs in DEA environment assessment: An empirical study of Chinese regional industries, European Journal of Operational Research 260 (2) (2017) 655–664.

  103. Mei-Jing Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Ling-Hui Li, Sheng-Qun Chen, A general evidential reasoning algorithm for multi-attribute decision analysis under interval uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research 257 (3) (2017) 1005–1015.

  104. Wenli Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Shulong Lv, The upper and lower bound evaluation based on the quantile efficiency in stochastic data envelopment analysis, Expert Systems With Applications 85 (2017) 14–24.

  105. Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Yi-Xin Lan, Lei Chen, Yang-Geng Fu, A data envelopment analysis (DEA)-based method for rule reduction in extended belief-rule-based systems, Knowledge-Based Systems 123 (2017) 174–187.

  106. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Multistage decision making based on prioritization of hesitant multiplicative preference relations, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (1) (2017) 691–701.

  107. Junfeng Chu, Kwai-Sang Chin, Xinwang Liu, Yingming Wang, A prospect theory based approach to multiple attribute decision making considering the decision maker’s attitudinal character, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (3) (2017) 2563-2578.

  108. Shengqun Chen, Yingming Wang, Hailiu Shi, Meijing Zhang, Yang Lin, Alliance-based evidential reasoning approach with unknown evidence weights, Expert Systems with Applications 78 (2017) 193-207.

  109. Yan Huang, Ying-Ming Wang, Pareto approach for DEA cross efficiency evaluation based on interval programming,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 33(4)(2017) 2375-2389.

  110. Yan-Qing Lin, Yang-Geng Fu, Qun Su, Ying-Ming Wang, Xiao-Ting Gong, A rule activation method for extended belief rule base with VP-tree and MVP-tree, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 33(6)(2017) 3695-3705.

  111. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Hesitant fuzzy multiattribute matching decision making based on regret theory with uncertain weights, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19 (4)(2017) 955-966.

  112. Zi-Xin Zhang, Liang Wang, Rosa M. Rodríguez, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martínez, A hesitant group emergency decision making method based on prospect theory, Complex & Intelligent Systems 3(3)(2017) 177-187.

  113. Liang Wang, Alvaro Labella, Rosa M. Rodriguez, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, Managing non-homogeneous information and experts' psychological behavior in group emergency decision making, Symmetry-Basel 9(10)(2017).

  114. Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Lei-Lei Chang, Yang-Geng Fu, A disjunctive belief rule-based expert system for bridge risk assessment with dynamic parameter optimization model, Computers & Industrial Engineering 113 (2017) 459-474.

  115. Yuan-Wei Du, Ying-Ming Wang, Evidence combination rule with contrary support in the evidential reasoning approach, Expert Systems with Applications 88 (2017) 193-204.

  116. Liang Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, A group decision method based on prospect theory for emergency situations, Information Sciences 418 (2017) 119-135.

  117. Wenli Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Shulong Lv, An aggressive game cross-efficiency evaluation in data envelopment analysis, Annals of Operations Research 259(1-2)(2017) 241-258.

  118. Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Jun Liu, Luis Martínez, A joint optimization method on parameter and structure for belief-rule-based systems, Knowledge-Based Systems 142 (2018) 220-240.

  119. Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Yang-Geng Fu, A consistency analysis-based rule activation method for extended belief-rule-based systems, Information Sciences 445-446 (2018) 50-65.

  120. Long-Hao Yang, Jun Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, Extended belief- rule-based system with new activation rule determination and weight calculation for classification problems, Applied Soft Computing 72 (2018) 261-272.

  121. Shengqun Chen, Yingming Wang, Hailiu Shi, Meijing Zhang, Yang Lin, Evidential reasoning with discrete belief structures, Information Fusion 41(2018) 91-104.

  122. Lei Chen, Fujun Lai, Ying-Ming Wang, Yan Huang, Fei-Mei Wu, A two-stage network data envelopment analysis approach for measuring and decomposing environmental efficiency, Computers & Industrial Engineering 119 (2018) 388-403.

  123. Yuan-Wei Du, Ying-Ming Wang, Man Qin, New evidential reasoning rule with both weight and reliability for evidence combination, Computers & Industrial Engineering 124 (2018) 493-508.

  124. Wen-Li Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Ranking DMUs by using the upper and lower bounds of the normalized efficiency in data envelopment analysis, Computers & Industrial Engineering 125 (2018) 135-143.

  125. Xin-Xian Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Jun-Feng Chu, Lei Chen, Gini coefficient-based evidential reasoning approach with unknown evidence weights, Computers & Industrial Engineering 124 (2018) 157-166.

  126. Zi-Xin Zhang, Liang Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, An emergency decision making method based on prospect theory for different emergency situations, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 9 (3) (2018) 407-420.

  127. Junfeng Chu, Xinwang Liu, Liang Wang, Yingming Wang, A group decision making approach based on newly defined additively consistent interval-valued intuitionistic preference relations, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 20(3)(2018) 1027-1046.

  128. Zelin Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, Liang Wang, Tri-level multi-attribute group decision making based on regret theory in multi-granular linguistic contexts, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 35 (2018) 793-806.

  129. Lei Chen, Fei-Mei Wu, Feng Feng, Fujun Lai, Ying-Ming Wang, A common set of weights for ranking decision-making units with undesirable outputs: a double frontiers data envelopment analysis approach, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 35 (6) (2018) 1850039.

  130. Liang Wang, Rosa M. Rodriguez, Ying-Ming Wang, A dynamic multi-attribute group emergency decision making method considering experts’ hesitation, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 11 (2018) 163-182.

  131. Jing Zheng, Ying-Ming Wang, Kai Zhang. A case retrieval method combined with similarity measurement and DEA model for alternative generation, International Journal of Computation Intelligence Systems 35 (1) (2018) 793-806.

  132. Zi-Xin Zhang, Liang, Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, An emergency decision making method for different situation response based on game theory and prospect theory, Symmetry-Basel 10 (2018) 476.

  133. Fei-Fei Ye, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, A new environmental governance cost prediction method based on indicator synthesis and different risk coefficients, Journal of Cleaner Production 212 (2019) 548-566.

  134. Hailiu Shi, Yingming Wang, Lei Chen, Neutral cross-efficiency evaluation regarding an ideal frontier and anti-ideal frontier as evaluation criteria, Computers & Industrial Engineering 132 (2019) 385-394.

  135. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Prioritization of hesitant multiplicative preference relations based on data envelopment analysis for group decision making, Neural Computing and Applications 31 (2019) 437-447.

  136. Jing Zheng, Ying-Ming Wang, Lei Chen, Kai Zhang, A case retrieval method based on double frontiers data envelopment analysis, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 36 (2019) 1-13.

  137. Quan-Yu Ding, Ying-Ming Wang. Intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS multi-attribute decision making method based on revised scoring function and entropy weight method, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36 (2019) 625–635.

  138. Yuan-Wei Du, Su-Su Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, Group fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method under ignorance, Expert Systems With Applications 126 (2019) 92–111.

  139. Fei-Fei Ye, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Fuzzy rule based system with feature extraction for environmental governance cost prediction, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (2019) 2337–2349.

  140. Xing-Xian Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Lei Chen, On the combination and normalization of conflicting interval-valued belief structures, Computers & Industrial Engineering 137 (2019) 106020.

  141. Xing-Xian Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen and Jun-Feng Chu, Evidential reasoning rule for interval-valued belief structures combination, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 37 (2019) 2231-2242.

  142. Hu-Chen Liu, Xu-Qi Chen, Chun-Yan Duan, Ying-Ming Wang,Failure mode and effect analysis using multi-criteria decision making methods: A systematic literature review, Computers & Industrial Engineering 135 (2019) 881-897.

  143. Quanyu Ding, Ying-Ming Wang, An improved aggregation operators-based method for multiple attribute group decision making using interval-valued trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(2019) 965-980.

  144. Long-Hao Yang, Jun Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martínez, New activation weight calculation and parameter optimization for extended belief rule-based system based on sensitivity analysis, Knowledge and Information Systems, 60(2)(2019) 837-878.

  145. Xing-Xian Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Lei Chen, An evidential reasoning based approach for GDM with uncertain preference ordinals, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(6)(2019) 8357-8369.

  146. Jing Zheng, Ying-Ming Wang, Yang Lin, Kai Zhang, Hybrid multi-attribute case retrieval method based on intuitionistic fuzzy and evidence reasoning, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 36(2019) 271-282.

  147. Fei-Fei Ye, Ying-Ming Wang, The effects of two types of environmental regulations on economic efficiency: an analysis of Chinese industries, Energy & Environment, 30(5) (2019) 898-929.

  148. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Kwai-Sang Chin, An enhanced approach for two-sided matching with 2-tuple linguistic multi-attribute preference, Soft Computing, 23(2019) 7977-7990.

  149. Yang Lin, Longzhong Yan, Ying-Ming Wang, Performance evaluation and investment analysis for container port sustainable development in China: an inverse DEA approach, Sustainability, 11(17)(2019) 4617.

  150. Yang Lin, Wen-Li Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, An integrated approach using cross-efficiency and Shapley value in performance evaluation, Ecomonic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 53(4)(2019)‏ 209-224.

  151. Junfeng Chu, Ying-Ming Wang, Xinwang Liu, Yicong Liu, Social network, community analysis based large-scale group decision making approach with incomplete fuzzy preference relations, Information Fusion, 60(2020) 98-120.

  152. Yang-Geng Fu, Jin-Hui Zhuang, Yu-Peng Chen, Long-Kun Guo, Ying-Ming Wang, A framework for optimizing extended belief rule base systems with improved Ball trees, Knowledge-Based Systems, 210 (2020) 106484.

  153. Wei Liang, Ying-Ming Wang, Interval-valued hesitant fuzzy stochastic decision- making method based on regret theory, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 22(4) (2020) 1091-1103.

  154. Wei Liang, Ying-Ming Wang, Multi-attribute group decision making method based on prospect theory under hesitant probabilistic fuzzy environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 149(2020) 1-9.

  155. Ying-Ming Wang, Fei-Fei Ye, Long-Hao Yang, Extended belief rule-based system with joint learning for environmental governance cost prediction, Ecological Indicators, 111(2020) 1-14.

  156. Fei-Fei Ye, Suhui Wang, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, A new air pollution management method based on the integration of evidential reasoning and slacks-based measure, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 39(2020) 6833-6848.

  157. Fei-Fei Ye, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Lei Chen. An environmental pollution management method based on extended belief rule base and data envelopment analysis under interval uncertainty, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 144(2020) 1-15.

  158. Fei-Fei Ye, Suhui Wang, Peter Nicholl, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Extended belief rule-based model for environmental investment prediction with indicator ensemble selection, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 126(2020) 290-307.

  159. Jing Zheng, Ying-Ming Wang, Kai Zhang. Solution of heterogeneous multi-attribute case-based decision making problems by using method based on TOMID, Soft Computing, 24(2020) 7081-7091.

  160. Liang Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, Fuzzy TODIM method based on alpha-level sets, Expert Systems with Applications, 140(2020) 1-14.

  161. Zelin Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, Prospect theory-based group decision-making with stochastic uncertainty and 2-tuple aspirations under linguistic assessments, Information Fusion, 56(2020) 81-92.

  162. Long-Hao Yang, Fei-Fei Ye, Ying-Ming Wang, Ensemble belief rule base modeling with diverse attribute selection and cautious conjunctive rule for classification problems, Expert Systems with Applications, 146(2020) 1-14.

  163. Fei-Fei Ye, Long-Hao Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, An interval efficiency evaluation model for air pollution management based on indicators integration and different perspectives, Journal of Cleaner Production, 245(2020) 1-15.

  164. Lei Chen, Yan Huang, Mei-Juan Li, Ying-Ming Wang, Meta-frontier analysis using cross-efficiency method for performance evaluation, European Journal of Operational Research 280 (2020) 219–229.

  165. Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, DEA target setting approach within the cross efficiency framework, Omega 96 (2020)102072.

  166. Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, Yan Huang, Cross-efficiency aggregation method based on prospect consensus process, Annals of Operations Research, 288(2020)115-135.

  167. Lei Chen, Fei-Mei Wu, Ying-Ming Wang, Mei-Juan Li, Analysis of the environmental efficiency in China based on the DEA cross-efficiency approach under different policy objectives, Expert Systems, 37(3)(2020) e12461.

  168. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Longzhong Yan, Cosine-similarity based approach for weights determination under hesitant fuzzy environment and its extension to priority derivation, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 38 (2020) 2261–2271.

  169. Yang Lin, Ying-Ming Wang, Decision framework of group consensus with hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 5(3)(2020) 157-164.

  170. Xu Wang, Yingming Wang, An interprovincial evaluation of industrial energy and environment efficiency: what drives China to make progress in sustainability? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(2020) 5222–5239.

  171. Xu Wang, Yingming Wang, Regional unified environmental efficiency of China: a non-separable hybrid measure under natural and managerial disposability, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (2020) 27609-27625.

  172. Hai-Liu Shi, Ying-Ming Wang, A merger and acquisition matching method that considers irrational behavior from a performance perspective, IEEE Access, 8(2020) 45726-45737.

  173. Zhi-Qiu Han, Wu-E Yang, Ying-Ming Wang, Chao-Qun Ma, Fuzzy clustering based on linguistic information: a case study on clustering destinations with tourists’ perceptions, International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(2020) 1526-1549.

  174. Jiasen Sun, Jie Wu, Yingming Wang, Lei Li, Yuhong Wang, Cross-efficiency evaluation method based on the conservative point of view, Expert Systems, 37(2020) e12336.

  175. Jing Zheng, Yingming Wang, Kai Zhang, A dynamic emergency decision-making method based on group decision making with uncertainty information, International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 11(5)(2020) 667-679.

  176. Long-Hao Yang, Jun Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, A micro-extended belief rule-based system for big data multiclass classification problems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 51(1) (2021) 420-440.

  177. Long-Hao Yang., Suhui Wang, Fei-Fei Ye, Jun Liu, Ying-Ming Wang, Haibo Hu, Environmental investment prediction using extended belief rule-based system and evidential reasoning rule, Journal of Cleaner Production, 289(2021) 1-19.

  178. Quanyu Ding, Ying-Ming Wang, Mark Goh, An extended TODIM approach for group emergency decision making based on bidirectional projection with hesitant triangular fuzzy sets, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 151(2021) 1-10.

  179. Zelin Wang, Rosa M. Rodriguez, Ying-Ming Wang, Luis Martinez, A two-stage minimum adjustment consensus model for large scale decision making based on reliability modeled by two-dimension 2-tuple linguistic information, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 151(2021) 1-18.

  180. Hai-Liu Shi, Sheng-Qun Chen, Lei Chen, Ying-Ming Wang, A neutral cross- efficiency evaluation method based on interval reference points in consideration of bounded rational behavior, European Journal of Operational Research, 290(3) (2021) 1098-1110.

  181. Shifan He, Xiaohong Pan, Ying-Ming Wang, A shadowed set-based TODIM method and its application to large-scale group decision making, Information Sciences, 544(2021) 135-154.

  182. Xing-Xian Zhang, Ying-Ming Wang, Sheng-Qun Chen, Lei Chen, Discrete-valued belief structures combination and normalization using evidential reasoning rule, Applied Intelligence, 51(2021) 1379-1393.

  183. Guo-Qing Cheng, Liang Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, An extended three-stage DEA model with interval inputs and outputs, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 14(1)(2021)‏ 43-53

  184. Xiaohong Pan, Yingming Wang, Shifan He, Kwai-Sang Chin, A dynamic programming algorithm-based clustering model and its application to interval type-2 fuzzy large-scale group decision making problem, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, accepted.

  185. Xiaohong Pan, Yingming Wang, An enhanced technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solutions and its application to renewable energy resources selection problem, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2020, in press.

  186. Quanyu Ding, Ying-Ming Wang, Mark Goh, TODIM dynamic emergency decision-making method based on hybrid weighted distance under probabilistic hesitant fuzzy information, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2020, in press.

  187. Yan Huang, Ying-Ming Wang, Jian Lin, Interval BCC model based on variable production possibility sets, Soft Computing, 2021, in press.

  188. Lei Chen, Su-Hui Wang, Ying-Ming Wang, A new data envelopment analysis clustering approach within cross-efficiency framework, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020, in press.

  189. Nan-Nan Chen, Xiao-Ting Gong, Ying-Ming Wang, Random clustering forest for extended belief rule-based system, Soft Computing, 2021, in press.


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